medicine. most of them have parents on medicare. you want to repeal medicare, ma'am? >> since last september when the president proposed his health plan, the clintons have campaigned endlessly for it. the net result? in almost every poll the plan's popularity has plummeted. >> healthcare reform very quickly became a kind of smoking ruin. it just crashed and burned. >> the administration officials acknowledge now it was a mistake when hillary clinton's task force drafted a healthcare bill in secret, then sprung it on congress. >> this had been the major issue they wanted to sell to the public, and the clintons understand the defeat is both policy, but it's also going to be political. >> it was a really challenging time. some of those events were beyond president clinton's control and some of them he seemed to be right in the middle of. >> there was whitewater still ticking along in the background. and then, paula jones filed a sexual harassment lawsuit. >> a former arkansas state worker, paula jones, accused