kidnapped in cologne today. >> the terrorists riddled the cars carrying schrier and his police bodyguards with machine gun fire. the bodyguards were killed. >> this is the third terrorist incident in germany in the past six months. all involve death, and all involve the badder mine off group. >> the red army faction in west germany was part of a 1970s trend of moxist vanguard groups. the red brigade in the japanese red army, the weathermen in the united states. these were people who felt that the capitalist structures were unjust and needed to be destroyed and the only effective way of doing that was through violence. >> the german police have been waging a relentless war against the terrorists, capturing some, killing some. but the leaders of the group have often had more influence from inside prison than outside. authorities claim this man, andreas butter, continued to mastermind terrorist operations from inside prison, passing instructions through his