that some of the small businesses might not be getting the big tax relief the big businesses are. here's an important statistic, kaishgts everyone should really keep in mind as we're having this discussion. a university of chicago economist found 69% of all pass through income goes to the top 1%. so the risk here, the risk here fizz you give more relief to those pass through entities, in fact, it does continue to tilt tax reform here, these tax cuts, to the rich and to the well off at the expense of the middle class and everybody else. >> and this is why, i mean this is just one element that is a hangup, a very important hangup, for a couple senators. this is why breaking this down piece by piece is so important. because it can just get lost in the jargon being thrown around right now, and it's important for everyone to understand it. christine, thank you so much. discuss the pass through and hangups. former republican congressman jack kingsen to here, a