support the uranium deal. she says, that's ridiculous. we've that you could to clinton's spokes people. they say that hillary clinton, herself, slefls not intimately involved in approving that your rainium deal as secretary of state. they say that was left to her staff, for the most part. dave, christine. >> all right, jessica, thank you so much. the senate killing a rule, making it easier for consumers to sue banks, handing wall street a major win under president trump. vice president mike pence cast the tie breaking vote last night, they ruled bannon forced orbtration clauses. that's the fine print, folks, for almost all of us consumeers, banks, credit cards, financial companies, tuck these clauses into their contracts, they force customer toss resolve disputes outside the court system blocking them from class action lawsuits. they call it a rule overstep, richard coward i have a