presidency, that he's just not curious. i mean, if you asked me the details of health care, i'm going to be honest with you, i may not know them, i'm not president of the united states and i'm not trying to sell my bill. if you asked me the con tours of the inner workings of the iran deal, you know, i could figure it out pretty quickly. it's the lack of curiosity. so in that vacuum steps politics and personality. not policy. and david's exactly right, we're just -- it's like, it's all sort of -- it's gossip. it's like i have teenagers. it's like that kind of drama. >> it's fire and fury and the calm before the storm. go ahead, david. >> in addition to everything that david and juliet said, you can imagine a scenario, maybe, if john kelly has been the chief of staff from day one, he could have maybe implemented his military very button-down style of chief of staff management from the beginning back in january. but to come in now with the tools that he has in his tool kit and reverse course on the