going on with all types of minorities and just people in general, the hate and discrimination going on right now. and we just felt to show our unity on top of what happened with donald trump and more about the equality, it just seemed to bring our team together. we just wanted to not isolate who was scared to go and kneel. we wanted to be ale to find a way not to put anybody in the lime light, just to know that we made as a decision as a team to stand for what we believe in. >> i wonder if you think the president's comments were motivated by razor racial attitudes that he may have? >> i think it had palgts bit to do with race. i think so. i think a lot of people agree with that. but for us it's just -- we're just want to help find a way to change our community. and i know a lot of people don't like it because we empowering people of color, empowering people who choose what to believe in. >> and just as someone who doesn't understand, you know, the idea of taking a knee during the national anthem or linking arms, to you what is the message