organization to obtain these tapes including never before heard recordings. i'm going to watch this. what else are we going to learn? >> i'm sitting here looking at tapes thinking, it was so hard to listen to these and stomach everything i heard. i can't imagine what it was like for you guys to hear the "n" word over and over again. and for it to play out in the trial again. now you will hear the other parts of the tapes. laura didn't know she would be involved in this trial. she didn't know it would turn into clips of the "n" word. they are sexist rants on these tapes that are appalling. he refers to female officers as split tail. one of the most disgusting vulgar -- exactly. if i were his partner and he referred to me that way i would have socked him between the eye ball balls. but my point is, women, black women on the force, all women,