few years ago. i'm not sure why the president can't -- doesn't seem to be, anyway, sorting this out because this russian problem is going to get big, going to get worse. we have got to take some strong steps with respect to our voting machines, or we're going to have mr. putin casting our votes in 17 months. and i don't think we want that. >> admiral kirby, is it fair to say that president trump is weak on russia? >> i think what it is, is my view is he's looking at russia through a soda straw. and every time he thinks about it, every time somebody brings it to his attention, every time it's mentioned, he thinks that any discussion of the russian hacking is a threat to the legitimacy of his win. how many times does this guy talk about how he won the election? he was just doing it again a couple days ago. any discussion of russia in his mind gets to challenging the legitimacy of his election win. and so, yes, i think he