in with the patriots. he signed a $40 million contract extension five weeks after the deaths of de abreu and furtado, on the same day he said this -- >> you can't come here and act reckless and do your own stuff. and i acted the way i wanted to act. but you get changed by bill belichick's way. >> at the time people thought he was talking about marijuana. that he used a lot of marijuana. that he had gotten older, he had gotten mature. doesn't seem like he's talking about marijuana. >> police are in no rush to charge him with the murders of daniel de abreu and safiro furtaddo. he's in jail already without bail, until he can be tried for odin lloyd's death. the idea that hernandez could have murdered three young men shocks those who remember him growing up in bristol, connecticut. >> aaron was our golden boy. he had the family traits. his father and his uncle were standout athletes. >> his older brother d.j. was a sports hero, too. bob montgomery covers high