pressure on. she made the decision to come out with her name and tell her story and she did that. >> is she somebody who -- who is new that's come forward or -- >> yes. >> what is she alleging? >> she was a frequent unpaid contributor on mr. o'reilly's show from 2008 to 2011. there she is. she's feisty and she would get into debates with him as people do on cable news. at one point in one of the pretaped interviews, he accused her of being hysterical. she said to him she thought that was a sexist comment to call a woman hysterical. she said, you have to understand gendered origins of that term. she's a professor. she explained it to him. that part of the segment was cut. she never appeared on the show again. she was completely frozen out. that's consistent with dr. wendy walsh's claim that once somebody really rebuffs o'reilly or stands up to o'reilly, that's