this talk about why isn't it called trumpcare and the suspicion was the president doesn't want his name on it in case it doesn't pass. you hear just as often, mark, i'm sure, from the middle lane and farther right lane, they aren't asking for it to be called trump either. >> it's radioactive, with the good you get donald trump, you get support but there's bad with donald trump as well and that goes to the whole issue of credibility but, chris, i have to say before we leave, if you were to get into a pushup contest with anthony scaramucci, who do you think would win? alisyn texted me and said she didn't think scaramucci would win. >> she doesn't text during the show. she doesn't do that. >> that's a telltale sign. >> it's not a contest. >> andy scaramucci wanted that to happen. >> he was desperate for anything to work. he was hoping more time may help. >> you missed the gloria gaynor reference, that was just as good. anyway, mark, thanks so much for the bottom line. >> thanks, guys.