fairness, james c hospital. mey is certainly in a tangle with both sides. randi kaye, cnn new york. >> one person saw his professional life rocked by what he said, former clinton campaign manager, robbie mook. >> what do you make of the spot that comey is in, could refute the accusation against president obama, sure you will point out, fine commenting abut secretary clinton during the campaign. >> well, yeah, look, it is disappointing that we are seeing restraint now, we dent see restraint last year. i think what matters right now is where we go in the future. and -- the fact that director comey is in a bind, the fact this is made into a partisan issue on the hill and in the white house when it shouldn't be one at all, to me reinforces we need an independent, bipartisan commission to take this matter and, get it investigated and come back to us, and tell us what happened.