and her aunt sumiko, an entertainer who began singing in american bases after the war. wow, that's good. there are dueling claims as to how taco rice might have morphed into existence. but sayuri shimabukuro is certain. in the 1980s, american servicemen introduced the standard taco to okinawans. and her grandfather matsuzio gibo decided to tweak them. dumping the fillings straight on to rice for the late night crowd of marines coming back from the bars. this unholy, greasy, starchy, probably really unhealthy delight. a booze mop turned classic, caught on big time for both americans missing home and locals. so i consider myself a pretty pro-military guy. but why are the marines here? like, i like marines but, you know, i'm not robert mcnamara. but it seems to be if you go to war with china, sending in the marines is probably not what you're gonna be doing.