short time. a manager from coconut joe's had told me he remembered those guys being there thursday night, when the bar held its tequila shot night. but not on friday night. >> but late friday night was when the state had argued the murder took place. >> there's evidence and testimony that they're all drinking thursday night. and the state tried to take two days and put them into one. >> how can you, based on that information, convicted two men and sentence them to die? >> kuz's article was a turning point in joe's case. >> it was the seminal story that began to unravel things and to cause people to look deeper. >> but the most explosive bombshell would come from kuz's conversation with tony klann's father, richard. someone the police had neglected to thoroughly interview. >> he shared something with me that i heard no one else mention. encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life.