know having served there, know their populations better than we can know them. >> senator mcconnell said last week that obamacare would be replaced and repealed in manageable pieces. i want to suggest some pieces to you on a chart back here. it looks to me like there are four major areas where americans get our health care insurance. one is medicare. 18% of americans. one is employer insurance, 61% of americans get their insurance on the job. one is medicaid. and one is -- which is 22%. and one is the individual market, only 6%. and the exchanges we hear so much about are just 4% of that 6%. that's where so much of the turmoil is. let me ask you this. is this the bill, any effort to replace and repeal obamacare, is this the bill to reform medicare? >> absolutely not. >> so we would be focused on employer, medicaid, and individual insurance. are those accurate categories or