seattle. we all read and we're told, anderson. >> because right now, the policy in order to try to stop this has been get china a number of state actors to put pressure to put sanctions. >> that's right. it would be nice if china did more on a number of fronts. i think president-elect trump has been very clear about his attention there. -- tension -- intention there. look, again, sanctions he will discuss it with his security team, but is it actually a deterrent to north korea, we don't know yet. are the russian sanctions from last week a deterrent to them? vladimir putin said he'll wait, delay those sanctions. >> more of that interview in the next hour. just ahead, though, tonight the president-elect putting himself on a hard to defend position on the hacking and what to make of his claim suggesting he has inside information. i will talk to the panel about that. what happened to the smooth transition from president obama's jabs to president-elect's tweets.