because basically, he essentially stated that the president-elect had knowledge of this, maybe even fanned the flames. it's incredibly irresponsible and i wonder if his boss, president obama, agrees. >> reporter: while trump continues to question if russia was involved in the cyberattacks, a lot of republicans are perplexed by those comments, because the intelligence community released on october 7th an assessment saying very clearly that it is confident the russian government hacked into american political organizations, something the government here in the u.s. believes was authorized by the quote, senior most officials in russia. this comes as lindsey graham, the republican senator from south carolina, who ran for president last year, revealed that he too had been hacked. >> i do believe that the russians hacked into the dnc. i do believe they hacked into podesta's e-mail account. they hacked into my campaign account. i do believe all the information released publicly hurt clinton,