weeping here in san francisco that he's not there. i do think they feel there's a lot of issues like repatriation of all mat money. billions and billions of dollars they want back in this country of income. there's all kinds of things they want so they have to cooperate. it's a republican administration, a republican congress, republican governorships everywhere. they have to reach out and cooperate with him. i don't think they had a choice to go. i just feel they could have been more firm given how powerful they are as people, how rich they are, how influential they are that they could have just said a few things, especially around immigration, and some other issues that are near and dear to the hearts of most of the workers of silicon valley. >> you think it was appropriate for the three older children to participate in this meeting? >> no. not at all. i mean, can you imagine, this is tim cook, ceo of apple, ceo of google, elon musk, a real visionary leader. these are serious businesses. sheryl sandberg. the children shouldn't be there. that, to me, said played, this is a photo op.