carol, interesting potentially today is we now know that donald trump has been receiving these briefings from his incoming national security adviser michael flynn. as you may remember that has been reported that on average, trump himself has only receiving one pdb, these presidential daily intelligence briefings. now we know according to transition officials that michael flynn, his national security adviser, is getting these briefings himself daily, and he's briefing the president-elect. three times a week. carol? >> so he's sort of the middle man between the intelligence officers and donald trump? the twitter thing caught my ear. so why, why wasn't the ceo of twitter invited to this tech meeting? >> yeah, this is really interesting. i think it is notable, and i think it's certainly caught everyone's eye the fact that jack dorsey and anyone from twitter left off the invitee list. notable because donald trump's affinity for twitter, how much he relied on it during the campaign and relied on it during the transition, and potentially