of staff reince priebus, steve bannon, michael flynn, jeff sessions, these very divisive figures. if he were to nominate a mike rogers or nikki haley or mitt romney then i think people could take what congressman black was saying to heart he's attempting to bring this country together. one thing about nikki haley we'll disagree about policy from here to the end of time. she's a statesman. there's three appointments that donald trump have made which have proven to be nothing but divisive. it's bannon, it's flynn, sessions. you can't sit here and say you want to bring the country together and nominate those three. >> let's talk about mike flynn. here's the general speaking about islam p.m. he's made some controversial comments, some would say bigoted. nice lam is a political ideology. it is a political ideology. it definitely hides behind this notion it acreligion. it's like cancer.