scared right now. we have a key race alert right now. all right. take a look. more numbers coming in from indiana. first numbers coming in, in fact, from the state of indiana. 11 electoral votes, donald trump has a significant lead. 1% of the vote is in. caution, everybody, very, very early in indiana. 1688 over hillary clinton. 69.3% for donald trump, 27.5%. very early in indiana. trump has the lead. also the lead in kentucky. once again, very early. he has a 5,500 vote lead over hillary clinton in kentucky right now. 8 electoral votes at stake in kentucky. about to get a lot more results. stand by. we're going to go over to john king over at the magic wall. north carolina. let's take a look at north carolina. it closes in less than an hour, little more than an hour or so from now. north carolina, there's already a court case involved. democrats are challenging one of