the share of the latino vote four years ago was larger than the 10% share nationwide. it's exactly why statements like this -- >> but we have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out. >> reporter: -- have gop pollster whit ayers shaking his head. >> we don't have enough time in this interview to list all of donald trump's mistakes. >> reporter: he points to his party's so-called autopsy of what went wrong in 2012 when mitt romney won just 27% of the latino vote. the rnc wrote in its postmortem report if hispanic americans perceive that a gop nominee or candidate does not want them in the united states, i.e., self-deportation, they will not pay attention to our next sentence. >> given the growth of the hispanic vote for a republican to be competitive, they need to be somewhere north of 40% among hispanics. >> is that possible? >> absolutely. look, latinos want what everyone else wants. they want a better quality of life. >> i think we are going down the