big a defeat it is. who takes blame for it, whether they can say, well, this is some aberration, if he's run as a real conservative, he would have won. whether the reince priebus message of four years ago, which we have to reach out to women, minorities, whether that will prevail, so i think we are s seeingisee i ing the beginning of a political internal debate and evolution or devolution unlike anything we've seen for decades. >> right, david, to that idea, post-trump, does he become just like sarah palin, who, you know, had a bit of a following for a while, but then ends up, you know, doing shows, reality show in alaska? >> no, and i don't think he's going to go quietly into the night. i've heard republicans, actually, articulate -- republicans who aren't supporting trump, that it might be in their interest to see a bigger blowout, because then there won't be any ambiguity about it. it will be have been a disaster, whereas if it's -- if it's relatively close, then there'll be this civil war within the party, as to who is responsible