give us the latest on the explosive norktimes story with two women claiming they were inappropriately touched by donald trump. >> that's right. these allegations are many years old. in one case they were described to friends right after this allegedly happened. donald trump is denying both of the allegations saying the entire story is fix. the "new york times" i believe is on solid legal ground boo tonight donald trump is drafting a lawsuit according to two sources close to him a. lawsuit in the works. we'll see if he files a lawsuit or not. >> let's play with one of the women told the "new york times" on camera. >> it was over 25 years ago. i have hired by a newsprint company. i was a sales rep. i was traveling in the middle west. i was coming back into new york city. and it was on that flight that the stewardess asked me would i like to move up to first class. i didn't need to be asked twice. and i said down next to a young man, blond, tall, and he introduced himself as donald