>> andrew joins us now. has the justice department or administration commented. >> white house spokesman josh ernest said he wasn't going to comment on what he quote as stolen e-mails of a private citizen. remember these are in effect john podesta's private e-mails that have been hacked. but as it pertains to the justice department and the clinton campaign ernest did tell reporters the attorney general and the fbi director have made clear the investigation of secretary clinton's use of a private e-mail server was conducted without regard to partisan politics. that is according to the white house spokesman, anderson. >> drew griffin. thanks very much. back with the panel. errol. how big a deal do you think these are? we don't know who was allegeedly talking to this guy. but certainly understandable why trump supporters would say this doesn't sound right. >> he has some questions to answer. it is entirely possible the way it was described maybe he saw it on cnn. he says in the e-mail well i