it? >> i think it's unconscious. clearly it's a nervous tick that he uses to talk to himself and give himself a pat on the back and it's not working for him. >> one more debate left, as a coach and an expert in this, what piece of advice do you have for hillary clinton? >> i think hillary meeds to get more comfortable with her emotions. >> donald trump? >> donald trump badly needs to reestablish some sort of trust. at a simple body language level, he needs to open uh, open his eyes, warm it up, stop scowling at us. >> that's gary tuchman reporting. more now on what a variety of people take away. joining us, atlantic magazine james fallous, who's written the cover story, "who will win the debates and the election." i want to get his thoughts after. also with us, republican consultant debate coach and communications strategist, bret o'donnell, and our chief political analyst, gloria borger. gloria, with paul ryan saying what he has said, is this just a sign he thinks it's impossible for donald trump to become president? >> i think it is. i think he's taking a look at the polls and you don't have to