with just two days to go until the first in the nation primary, a portsmouth, new hampshire, diner is telling republican presidential candidates they're not welcome. >> this isn't iowa, we don't need them in our face 24/7. we can decide on our own. >> in fact, colby's breakfast and lunch is banning all politicians, no exception. that's just fine with some of the customers. they say the campaigning can be a bit too much to digest. >> i invited mitt romney for lunch, but i told him to meet me here at 3:30. >> just so happens the restaurant closes at 2:00. in south florida a mysterious plane is being seen for the first time in 70 years. >> it's so out of place. it's an absolute wonderful thing to see. >> a diver discovered the world war ii-era plane last week off the coast of jupiter. it's sitting upside down about 200 feet deep on the atlantic floor. jordan says he's been receiving calls from around the country from aviation buffs and other interested divers. in missouri, a fire was so