this is the shopping center before the storm hit and look at what happened afterward. just unbelievable devastation in that area. >> tom foreman for that. often times in disasters, maybe an earthquake, you hear about an epicenter or a ground zero. well, for this event, some are calling tuscaloosa just that. reynolds wolf is there for us this morning. reynolds, put it in perspective of why some might consider tuscaloosa just such a place. the epicenter or ground zero for all of this? >> well, i tell you right now, this is one of the places that has been hardest hit. keep in mind smaller pockets and other places around the southeast that have also been hit very, very hard. you mention rainsville, alabama. places like webster chapel that have just been hammered by the system. this is no different at all. give you our bearings. the last time we spoke with you, t.j., we were on the other side