made public since 2008. this is the one. this is called, and this is interesting, 2008, it is called the certification of live birth. the reason i mepgs that is because a lot of people are making a big deal about that. it should not be a big deal. because it could be called grilled cheese sandwich and it is an official one in hawaii. it has the city they were born and the mother and the father's name and says it was filed by the registrar august 8, 1961. this is what every hawaiian -- okay. the colors off here and move this away. this is what every hawaiian gets when they go to the public health office. this is what every hawaiian got when they were born, but it is not given out anymore. it is not official. this birth certificate is not officially use 234d the std in hawaii. this is not official. this is a certificate of live birth which is official. >> this is what the president released this morning? >> yes. it is called long-form and it has more detail than the