up one of the networks, but the problem is with that particular network you can't call western libya, places like tripoli, you can't take calls from western libya. so that's why someone in the u.s. can contact eman and her parents, who are here in eastern libya, can't contact her. so they haven't had contact with her for days now. >> nic robertson, you were there in the hotel when eman first came in more than a week ago. you've been relentless in trying to continue to keep the story in the forefront. you asked moussa ibrahim, the spokesman for the gadhafi regime, about her claims that she's barred from leaving the country. what did he tell you? >> reporter: he told me he's not aware of that. and he's been very inconsistent on this. she tried to come to the hotel just yesterday and speak to journalists, but she was arrested before she got here, before she could get inside, and taken away by security officials. moussa ibrahim told me he was aware of this because he said