this was very violent and very long. >> it is now morning in japan. roughly 9:30 a.m. in the morning. of course, the epicenter of this disaster is in the northeast in sendai, but they're in the capital city in tokyo are you seeing any clear evidence of damage, destruction from the earthquake? >> i'll tell you, right now i'm on the way to the airport. we've just crossed over from tokyo metropolitan area into chiba prefecture, and i'm seeing the first damage that i have encountered. the road is buckled. there's water coming up through the pavement, and it's contributing to the horrible traffic jam. there are just endless lines of cars on every side street headed from the city out to the airport. >> there's a state of emergency in place at the fukushima nuclear power plant, which i understand is 150 miles north of tokyo. now, evacuations are underway, but only within a couple miles radius there at the plant. are citizens in tokyo on edge on