what's going on? is this a slight, the next big diplomatic uproar? >> no, i think the chinese people are understated, elegant, and very reserved, and i think you would agree. >> when we were in hong kong last, we noticed the way the men wear, you know, dress very simply. simplicity is elegance. michaele loves that too. >> i don't think tuxedos are big on the list in terms of what they have in their closet. >> they are fashionable but i think it's simple elegance. i was studied the wine list. that's where my antennae jump up. they're serving nice wines. >> you have a degree in wine making do you? >> i have a degree in wine drinking. >> there you go. >> you'll have to come down to our winery, a small winery in virginia. >> is that a real invitation? because i don't want to crash.