be some stim latiulative effect regard to the middle class tax cuts and the fica holiday, i think those things will have something and the president i think is betting on the economy being much better by the time 2012 comes around. i hope so. >> congressman when i was in hawaii covering the president, bill burton one of his staffers said among his reading list one of the books was "role of a lifetime" a biography of ronald reagan. does that send shivers up your spine as a democratic leader that maybe he's going to be triangleating and taking some of the reagan play book? >> no, not at all. i love history we ought to read as much as we can, that's fine t informs how we proceed. more to the point, democrats are united with this administration on those core values that i mentioned, strength in the economy, rebuilding the middle class, strengthening the middle class and reducing debt and deficit and i reject the premise that house democrats are