official, meet our gop opponent christine o'donnell. it's hard to figure out whose website this is. they're looking forward to this race all of a sudden. >> yeah. i think there's a note of glee in that. and there certainly was a real tone of glee in the kind of barrage of press releases the democrats were sending out last night. really kind of triumphant about this. i think there was a feeling that the u.s. senate, control of the senate was on the cusp. democrats were starting for a while felt they were likely to lose the house and starting to think recently, we might lose the senate. with last night results in delaware and possibly new hampshire where you may have an insurgent tea party candidate win. even carl rove now at this point saying republican takeover of the senate have probably slunk dramatically. yes, they're very happy about it. >> and kate, that's likely because there are -- there are republicans who are nervous about this crop of tea party candidates. candy and i were talking about this before going on air this morning. if you look at nevada, that