next year, that was the promise from president obama. he said the combat missions over but american and can provide for for the iraqi people as a friend and partner. you were working for george w. bush. curious to what you thought as you listened to this. not a great speech but a historic moment. >> my first thought 7 1/2 years ago i was in the oval office when the president gave a speech committing us iraq. it's appropriate. americans don't like to commit troop as broad. when we do, we want to win and we want come to come. 2008, when the shoe thrown at him announcement of the security agreement with the iraqi government to bring troops hope at the end of 2011. i'm glad the day was able to come and president obama gave a speech where he could thank the troops who deserve all of the credit. >> do you think he should have said more about president bush? >> it would have been gracious of him if he mentioned the surge but the problem for president