through. >> there's a tough line between freedom of speech and letting really shady characters spread propaganda with an american company and american networks. so it's a tough call. you don't want to censor people just because you don't like what they say. on the other hand, you don't want to, you know, help out a group that is actively trying to kill americans. >> now we called facebook about this. within a couple hours, they actually taken it down and then they issued this statement to us, don. here's what they said. "we have removed this page as we don't permit terrorists or terrorist organizations to maintain fan pages. we will remove such pages when we are made aware of them." so that's pretty fast work, don. we did make them aware of it. we were just asking about it. they took it down right away. >> all right. nice work. thank you susan candiotti. we appreciate it. can you look at me? look over here, abby.