many legal scholars, it is a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment. the 14th amendment has a little clause in the middle that says, subject to the jurisdiction there after. the legislation that i introduced said to be subject to the jurisdiction there of and grant birth right citizenship, at least one of the parents had to have some legal status in this country. the united states is in a distinct minority of the world community. not a single european country grants birth right citizenship. >> a lot in the western hemisphere do. >> 122 do not. >> a lot of people disagree with you about the interpretation of that 14th amendment. they say that jurisdiction there after does apply, in fact, to a child who is born here. there is a legal debate. i am certainly not a lawyer here. still, the supreme court has ruled there. you tell me your definition, not the legal definition. you tell me what do you believe an american citizen is, what is an american, what does that mean, to be an american? >> it means somebody who comes,