eight years, not even in a decade, $344 billion will be the cost of taking care of diseases associated with obesity and specifically if you want to break that down overall into health care expenditures as a country, almost a quarter, 21% of total medical costs are used to treat these sort of diseases much. >> and chad myers, i don't know about you, but i'm fighting, fighting, fighting, every day to try to do something about this dog gone spare tire. >> you know what, they don't think they use this anymore, because it has bad self esteem. but there was slim, regular and husky. >> and husky. >> and i was always the 14 husky. >> it's worked, man. it really is. >> i don't think you can put that on anything, anymore. i don't know that they actually have that anymore. i had my first and probably last bratwurst of the fourth of july season yesterday. look at this satellite, tony. this is like four days of satellite. start over here. this is where this alex was. it came across belize. then it kind of died off over