top, so in the event -- to get really close and potentially nick the well bore, they put mud down to control any hydrocarbons that might come out. regarding the longer-term containment, we should by next week have the additional vessel in place to start producing off of the kill line, the other line that's available to bring oil to the surface. that will bring us to three production vessels and the 53,000-barrel capacity we were looking for by the end of june. moving beyond that, we're very close to completing the first free-standing riser pipe, that will allow us to go to the new configuration, and ultimately, that will allow us to be producing from four different platforms by mid july, increasing our rate from 60 to 80,000 barrels. in addition, we had our visit with florida regarding claims processing. tracy wearing's group was meeting with them, assisting the state of florida in facilitating their claims processing. bp has gone over $125 million in claims that have been paid.