now rk, how much of his was thel industry? we heard that they had a back up plan. it was useless to the extent that it had provisions for saving walruses that haven't been in the then how much of it is the regulation that the government is supposed to provide through the minerals management service which is part of the department of interior which apparently was in bed with the oil industry anyway. if you want to make headlines for being really mad and blame bp, there's certainly some validity to that. i think we really have to look at there are different parties. there's the regulators, there's the oil industry, and then there's specifically bp. we need to know who is responsible for exactly what. i kind of think sometimes these congress nal hearings operate at this level over here and go over most people's heads, and it's a lot of political point making and i'm not sure it was very satisfying. to me this week's hearings were like the meals that i normally