unfortunately, the so-called anchor baby bill does nothing to solve the real problems we are facing in arizona. that's the, true fact that we are facing issues of crime and violence on our border and in our neighborhoods. neither 1070 nor anchor baby bill do anything to address those real issues we are facing in our state. >> representative, what do you say to that argument? >> first, we didn't pass sb-1070 because we were upset the obama administration and congress didn't give legal status and amnesty to 12 million to 20 million people here illegally. we passed 1070, we believe in the rule of law. the federal government wasn't enforcing the in graduation law. that's why we passed 1070. and we believe in the rule of law. i don't know how the supreme court would rule on a challenge to birth right citizenship. clearly, the legislative history of the bill, and conflicting court decisions, suggest that it's something which really should be revisited. the stakes are high. illegal immigration costs arizona a lot of money in