students because of the pentagon's don't ask, don't tell policy. >> that's not exactly what happened. the fact is, there was recruit many on the harvard campus at the time that she was there. she may waintained a policy tha existed before she came there, not allowing the career placement office to host that, because there was a policy relative to discrimination. when the law was passed and upheld, banning that, then she changed the policy. so she tried to conform to the policy of the school, and the law. and yes, she expressed herself on the law, but she has always been very hospitable to military recruitment and to young people on campus who wanted to serve their country. in fact, the irony of this discussion, wolf, is her objection to the don't ask, don't tell law was she wanted everyone who wanted to serve their country, every young person, every young person who wants to serve their country, to have that opportunity. >> because jeff sessions, the ranking republican on the judiciary committee, he's