rate, people out of work for more than six months, that number went up. also the underemployed rate increased. that number includes people who have settled for part-time jobs but who really want full-time work, wolf. >> i hope all of these people find full-time work at some point. they need these jobs. lisa, thanks very much. president obama today trying to strike an optimistic note about the country's employment picture. >> yes, we've got a ways to go, but we've also come a very long way. and we can see that the difficult and at times unpopular steps that we've taken over the past year are making a difference. productivity is up, the hours people are working are up. both are signs a company may be hiring more workers in the months to come. we saw the largest increase in manufacturing employment since 1998, and we can see the benefits of our recovery act in the strong employment reports from construction and other sectors, where we've made key investments in creating and