and substantial quantities of gold. they come on top of six other charges and in one sense they are rather more serious because the previous charges filed against ms sui kyi was somewhat trivial in some cases. this one, taking large amount of money and corruption, would go completely against everything that aung san suu kyi has stood for. that is if people believe it but i don't think anybody will. as her lawyer pointed out, she has many defects but corruption is not one of them. she is known to be completely uninterested in material things and most of the population will dismiss this as a charade. in a sense, none of that matters, the judiciary is firmly under the thumb of the military government and if they want to there is no question they can convict aung san suu kyi to put her in prison for the rest of her life if they want. probably more likely they will use this to disqualify her from any future political office.