house of larwood, never heard of them — sounds like something the night's watch would have dragged in. i believe you are here to learn how to do archery. iam if i am if you can teach me. i need people to hunt or to fight. 0k. are you up to the task? i hope so. i hope so too, otherwise there is a penalty. 0h. 0h, a beheading... that seems measured. absolutely, because you are absolutely no good to me here at winterfell if you can't hunt and you can't fight. i will do my best. select your arrows by the tip, never by the feathers and never further down the shaft. 0k? think of it coming out of a quiver, three fingers on the drawing string and then draw back so that it brings to your right eye. loose! all right. i hit actual thing! that'll do, your first arrow ever and you hit the target. 0k. archer ready. draw! hold... loose! look at that. yes! well done, you.