New groups, accolades and development shape a strong year ahead (Washington, DC) – Throughout 2018, Destination DC (DDC) will welcome first-time groups meeting in Washington, DC, new accolades to entice meetings and conventions and myriad new hotel inventory and special events venues. First-time citywide conferences and events (2,500 or more rooms on peak) in 2018 include True Value Company’s Spring Reunion (Feb. 9-12), the World Conference of the International Gas Union (June 25-29), the MLB All-Star Game and Week (July 13-17), Infor’s “Inforum” (Sept. 25-26) and American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting (Dec. 10-14). “Washington, DC will welcome 21 citywide conventions and special events in 2018, with 422,434 total room nights and an economic impact of $361 million,” said Elliott L. Ferguson, II, president and CEO of DDC. “Our sales team is also focused on short-term corporate bookings, and significant recent wins include Nestle in May and Subway in August.”