The Little Things Photo: Nicole Goode Here’s what’s happening in the world of television for Friday, January 29, and Saturday, January 30. All times are Eastern. Advertisement The Little Things (HBO Max, Friday, 3:01 a.m.): “ The Little Things is pure boilerplate. There’s scarcely a moment in the movie that doesn’t recall a dozen predecessors, in form or content or both. That the supporting cast of second-string officers features two alums of The Wire provides a sense of the procedural vibe writer-director John Lee Hancock is slickly but imprecisely approximating. His script is a breathless, goofily enjoyable flurry of jargon and platitude and quip. When his characters aren’t endlessly pointing out the biblical dimension of their work—there’s lots of talk of God, church, angels, and reverends, augmented with a significant shot of a cross looming on a hill like the Hollywood sign—they’re arguing over who’s buying breakfast. To enjoy the film on its own cookie-cutter terms depends on finding pleasure, guilty or otherwise, in tropes recycled with total straight-faced conviction. Or maybe to crave comfort food of a variety Hollywood doesn’t churn out quite as frequently as it used to.” Read the rest of A.A. Dowd’s review here. The film stars Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, Jared Leto, Michael Hyatt.