| 09 Dec 2020 | 03:25 Milford. Delaware Valley Action! (DVA!) donated to the Black Bear Film Festival as planning starts for the 2021 season. As a non-partisan and non-profit community organization, DVA! supports community organizations that build community engagement and involvement around progressive values and issues. The donation of $500 was made by DVA! treasurer Justin Pfaff to Max Brinson, president of the Black Bear Film Festival, and Jerry Weinstock at the festival office in Milford. “We are pleased to be able to help a valuable non-profit organization that adds value to the quality of life in Pike County,” said Ed Gragert, DVA! president. “In these difficult Covid-19 times we are planning to support additional community-based organizations whose missions are in line with ours.” For more information email DelawareValleyAction.org.