Reply January 19, 2021 On March 30, 2020 Governor Hogan issued a stay-at-home order to protect Marylanders from the emerging coronavirus. The executive order was rolled out with a new slogan and a new messaging campaign. Subscribe The ad's go-to photo was a shot of the Chesapeake Bay. The image was a peak between tall blades of bay grass to a distant view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge standing over a glistening tide, underneath a warm amber sky. The words read "Safe at Home." However, for many Marylanders those words unfortunately weren't true. Toxic air filled with pollutants released by mold spores permeate the homes of Maryland renters who are stuck living in moldy conditions. The toxic brew of harmful indoor air that develops from mold growth can worsen or trigger chronic lung disease and asthma. Sufferers describe not being able to find relief from the effects of the toxic air in their homes — its symptoms include burning eyes, coughing, wheezing and skin rashes.