This April marks the 244th birthday of the great American statesman Henry Clay. He was born into the turbulent time of the American Revolution and lived three score and ten, plus five, which was long enough to see his fellow Americans pass through many seasons of despair, trial, and triumph. For young Clay, though, despair and trials came early and might have consumed him had it not been for an extraordinary woman who chewed up despair and spat out trials as she clawed her way to triumph, her family always in tow. Elizabeth Clay was Ma to Henry and his siblings, an âold widow womanâ at thirty to her neighbors. Still, she was also an American heroine left unsung because she lived a quietly courageous life too easily overlooked by history. This week we anticipate the day coming in a couple of weeks that honors all Mothers, and so for Henry Clayâs Ma, we sing. Join us.